Friday, May 30, 2008

Hi family. Check out if you are interested in getting a glimpse of what Stevie is training for. The site features all of the special ops branches but there is cool video, articles and blogs about and by MARSOC soldiers too. It is some insight into what these brave men and women do. jenn

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello Family

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy week...Looking forward to seeing you all at Sue's BBQ...On my way to work in a few....Also wanted to let Laura know she did a great job getting all of us together for the Hamburger night at Ma and Pa's house on Sunday...It was nice to see everyone, and hang out for a bit.
Currently on day 6 of quitting smoking.....Hopefully I can trudge this road successfully...Will see....Anything is possible right?...Take care everyone.

Love Sarah

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sue's Dream

Sounds like a pretty....Gross dream....Glad I made my way into your dreams in that way...Have a happy holiday...take care.

Dream analysis

So I had this crazy dream last night. It featured poo, so I thought at least a few of you guys would appreciate hearing about it.

So in my dream, Sarah and I were fighting. Well, as I remember it, Sarah was antagonizing me non-stop. I kept asking her to leave me alone, but she wouldn't. She kept yelling and yelling and yelling, and I don't even really remember about what. The point was, I was really upset and she was really persistant.

So persistant in fact, that I eventually looked myself in the bedroom we used to share in Greenbriar (you might remember some lovely dark brown shag carpeting...) and Sarah stood outside, still screaming and screaming. When that wasn't effective she shoved something underneath the door.

And that something was a piece of posterboard smeared with poo.

Any thoughts?

I don't recall any poo smear presents from Sarah as a kid...but you never know.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend !!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In case you missed the scrap book!!!

Steve and dad

Noticebly absent from our Blog-o-Haller are popples and Stevie-E.
I sent dad an invite...but I suspect he's rather busy to discuss butt fuzzies and chihuahuas.
Didn't send Steve an invite, cuz I don't have his e-mail address. Anybody know what that is so we can give him the hook-up?

Welcome Mcheal Micheal Motorcycle ( I remember trying to annoy you with that when we were little). Now it doesn't matter where you are you can always find us!!! I am glad you are somewhere beautiful! I am sorry to here about your butt fuzzys- I don't get those but I do get occasional tp crumbles- oh well. Jen I think your mammy will go fine and then you'll tell me all about it!! As for the colonoscopy- Just have Angel do it and then we can all see your pics- I think the worst part might be the laxatives you take the night before!!! Suess I'm glad that you have found a way to see the Steve- I hope I can come when everyone is together!!! Kev's pop is coming into town tonight along with one of Kev's friends. Finn had a school play last night ( he was in the chorus). It was called Dino-motion and Finny sang and did all the movements- it's good for us to see him do these things because it reminds us that he's just a little kid after all! Sawyer was measured at the doctor last week,without shoes,- he's 5'2" tall now and 119lbs....YIKES!!!! He also pulled straight A's on his interim. Hannah is being inducted into the Junior National Honor Society tonight. Scout is trying to figure out what he wants for his BDAY his current desires run somewhere between a motorcycle and a bunny- I'm not convinced our family needs either of those things!!! I am convinced that I need a NAP and that I will take one ASAP. LOVE YOU ALL-Laura

Hello Family

So, I noticed everyone is using this blog site ....except I do not see Pops on here?...also, for "event" or whatever coming up....Lukas and I will have "one year" of being chained to each other for life on July 14th....Not a big deal...just thought I would throw that in the mix.....I am currently home sick....Some sort of Smoking induced infection (thought it was allergies)....Soooooo....I am gonna give it the ol college try at quitting smoking again....Perhaps "college try" is not the right saying for me (lol)....well, So yeah I am going to try and quit smoking again.

Lukas is leaving for Las Vegas today. A friend of ours is getting hitched...and he going out there with a friend to send him off.....Should be a fun trip....For him. I will hopefully be going back to work Thursday (will see) and am suppose to be working this weekend....Have Memorial Day off...anyone doing anything?....Got word on the Mountain that Stevie is blowing into town....Really looking forward to seeing him!...Ha! I just realized I am writing this as though he cannot see that I am talking about him...Can't wait to see you brother...I will be off work at 6pm Saturday....We should totally hangout...All my buddies are going to the beach, Sada is off to West Virginia, and my Hubby off to Las Vegas.......Goood weekend to kick up my heels with my little Bro, So yeah, let's make it happen!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stevie is coming to Va-Yay!!!!!!

Hi family! I am back from a crazy weekend @ the dog house. We are gearing up for Memorial Day and the summer. Welcome brother Mike. I am so glad that you are Tellin it on the mountain.I have commented on previous posts from the weekend that I don't want anyone to overlook. All is well here. My annual pap smear was normal which is always a relief. Now, I look forward to a mamogram-my first. Mom, what is that like? Does that contraption hurt when they smoosh the boob? Uggh-old age. I dread the colonoscopy-so invasive. Love to all-haha!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Have you seen the Charmin commercial with the bears and the vacuum cleaner? Thats me.

Update on Stephen and visitors

Stephen called a little while ago--he had just finished his first day of class--i guess this communication school lasts until August.
I could not "pin" him down for a mailing address--he apparently has moved to another barracks while he is in this school.
He has a ride to NOVA this weekend --a guy who lives in G"burg asked him if he'd like a ride home. I hope some of you get to see him.
Re summer visitors: It sounds as thought Sarah and Lukas are coming out 7/2-7/6 (do i have this right Sarah?) Dad and Poppy arrive on 7/3rd. Dad returns 7/9 and Poppy is staying for another week.

Hope everyone had a good Monday.
love and hugs to all
Wooooaahhh!!! It's a lot easier to post to a blog once you have an "official invitation" HEE HEE- I kept wondering what I was doing wrong, I scoured the help thingy- but to no avail until today!!! Of course- I didn't want anyone to know how scared I was that I would never figure it out!! All's well that ends well! I now have the "new post" button on my dashboard- yeeeehhhhhaaaawww!!!
I'm in hill country in Texas its fabulous. Where is my brother? Y'all can get me at my
work address best.
Love Michael

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend roundup

Well at least we know where Mike is now. Austin is really pretty. I loved visiting there.
Talked to Stephanie for a bit yesterday, sounds like she will be moving to Dallas in the next three weeks or so. Sounds like she has some good leads for jobs, which is good, and she sounds pretty positive about the move. I just can't believe she's going so fast...such is life.
I guess you just need to get off your butt and go if that's what you want to do.
Brad and I just got back from running errands. We spent three hours in Bed, Bath and Beyond trying to figure out what to register for. Crazy. We got home and realized everything we put on the registry was blue and taupe (minus spoons and things of that nature). We're a thrilling pair, I gotta tell you.
Other than that, not much new here. It's been pouring here on and off, although the sun is finally out. Long enough for Peanut Butter and me to go and say hi to the new goats (Peanut Butter was not too happy to meet the goats...and she expressed this displeasure by leaving a huge ass scratch on my chest.
Anyway, that's all that's going on in my life - scratchy boobs and taupe flatware.
Love you all.

News from Michael

Just got off the telephone with Michael. He is working for TIC near Austin Texas--he says it is really pretty there.
He is feeling really challenged at work because he needs to be on the computer and works with Excel. He says the people he works with have been very supportive.
They are housing him in a hotel. He is loking for a place to live--i guess the plan is for Holly to move there at some point. This job will cause him to move periodically.
His # is: 864-384-0071
e mail:
work e mail is:
Hope everyone's weekend is going well. i am working in the yard today--it is 70 degrees1
love m

Friday, May 16, 2008

do i just click on new post??????????????/
i guess i just have to click on "new post"??? is it that simple??????????????
test post love mom
Hi Mommy!!!!!! Where have you been? What have you been up to?????? Have not seen Sarah contributing to "Go tell it on the Mountain" Hope the entire family has an enjoyable weekend.
Love, the Reitz'

Thursday, May 15, 2008

He is walking!

sorry dad! i was close to your b-day. anyhoo!!! i am experiencing more water damage to my abode as the lady upstairs sprung a leak wilst on vacation to Disney for a week. The unit next door is trashed. I just endured his run off but parts of the carpet are soaked . It is always something... Anyone know what Stevie's new address is??????

Updated birthday list

OK, I updated the birthday list. If anybody sees anything wrong or missing, just let me know. Also, anybody have any other events coming up? I'll add them to the list...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ha! Funny cats

There's a Web page devoted to cats that look like Wilford Brimley. Check it out!
I believe that dad's bday is June 19th and Laura's is definitely Feb.27th.

These pictures are from our wonderful gathering this past weekend. Sarah and Lukas brought over a delicious strawberry cream cake and two adorable pups.

Cool radio show

Hi, Laura and I were talking about the economy the other day on the phone. "This American Life" a podcast I listened to did a really great job breaking down the mortgage/housing crisis and why our economy is at where it is today in a really easy-to-understand and interesting way. Thought I'd share it with you: here's a link.

Also, Laura I think you might like this show called RadioLab. It kinda breaks down the science behind all sorts of things (why we like pop music was this week's show). That's all! Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Um, so I love the tree theme . Very earthy and simple. That is how I manage life. and , uh Sue..... my BIRTHDAY is Feb 26. Jason's is Dec 6. Our wedding anniversary is Feb.8?????? My menstrual cycle generally occurs around the beginning of the month as long as my stress levels are moderate. Have a fabulous day family!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

table decorations for wedding

Hi Susan,

I like your bottom picture very much!

it is sooooooooo you! My feeling is--it is your wedding and it should be all about you and Brad and what you like! I think it would be cute to have the tables assignments hanging from the branches--sometimes you can find tree branches of different colors too
So how many gold aspen leaves do you need and what size--was it the first or second shop in Evergreen you saw them?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Don't laugh

Hey, I've strated playing around with ideas for the centerpieces for the wedding, and for the table-assignment holder thingy.

We kind of have gotten into this "tree" theme. So for the table assignment holder thingy, I found a bunch of branches and spray-painted them gold. I was thinking I could hang the table assignments from the branches like ornaments. The picture is cutting off some of the branches...but that's the general idea. Mom, I might use this vase, but if I don't, I was planning on tying a purple ribbon around the vase, and attaching one of those gold leaf ornaments to it.

OK, here's where I thought you might laugh. For the centerpieces, I wanted to carry the tree idea to the tables. So, basically I took a vase, put those flat marbles in gold and red at the bottom, and stuck a bunch of twigs into the marble. I filled the vase up with water, and put floating tea lights on top.

The vase I used is just one we have on hand, if I go with this idea, it's likely I'll use a taller, skinnier vase. Probably like these.

Let me know what you honest! I think it looks kinda cool...but I'm also worried people might think it looks kinda ... cheap. I appreciate the feedback :).

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hellllloooo Hallers!

This should be fun....

Welcome Hallers!

Hi everyone,
Welcome to Go Tell it on the Mountain (thanks Ma for the name!). I set this up as a way for all of us to share information, pictures and stories with each other. I'm hoping it will make it easier for us to keep in touch and stay up-to-date on everyone's goings on, particurally now that we're all kinda spread out. Let me know if you need help posting stories or navigating the site. And I'm totally open to suggestions for things we could add to the site.
And yes, I realize the birthday list is incomplete. I have trouble keeping the February and June birthdays straight in my head for some reason. I called mom to get a little help with that. :)